"Waiting for Charon" - An Audio Fiction
Because the KCRW #RadioRace wasn't enough, decided to create another piece of audio for The Sarahs, a newly formed project from Sarah Lawrence College founded by Ann Heppermann and Martin Johnson. Their focus is on audio fiction, in the very broadest of terms, with a lot of emphasis on storytelling through sound design. Seems like it was made for us.
The Very Very Short, Short Stories Contest is basically an amazing excuse to make something with only a sentence as your inspiration. Not that The White Whale is in need with a number of pieces in development (you'll see...trust us, you'll see), but it certainly gives reason to put something out now.
So, here you go. Not entirely sure what it is or how people will receive it. Certainly sounds right for a time approaching Halloween. It's called "Waiting for Charon" and was inspired by Mary Morris.
“The Gem sisters slept in the order in which they were born.” ”