Murder in the Dark Album Release

We are really excited to announce that as of today This Line has a new album and a new video. This has been long in the mix and we are really excited for more people to finally listen. Check out the new video below! Stream and download the album at Bandcamp.

Paul Fonfara and the Ipsifendous Orchestra

Recently we interviewed Minnesota composer Paul Fonfara (maker of the above Kickstarter campaign) for an episode of The White Whale that should be out next week. Paul is not unknown to the worlds of CyNar, as we did a number of live films and music videos for his band the Painted Saints a few years back. 

What many may not know is that this year he was recipient of a grant to fund his development as a composer. This project is coming to a conclusion at The Cedar  with Jim White and Brass Messengers on December 5th.

If you know Paul's work you know he is a unique in crowds of complacency. Never wanting to dumb it down or limit his natural inclinations in the musical arena, he is going forth into narrative storytelling with the same considerations - hoping that what is normal for him could become normal for cinematic sensibilities. 

As part of the show he has also been amassing some incredible artwork and a host of players who should really help bring this multimedia extravaganza to a head as Paul performs the entire album with films playing at the head.

If you are interested check out the record on Soundcloud and support his current Kickstarter campaign to help offset some of the costs not covered by the grant.


If you follow our social media accounts you'll know we are spending this weekend amongst audio greats at Podcast Movement. First time visiting this particular conference, and already excited for the next one. Yes, they have it set.

This kicks off a couple busy weeks as we are continuing to put out The White Whale every Sunday, have some work for other shows in the mix and are playing participant to the 24-hour Radio Race from KCRW next weekend. Yes, we have asked ourselves what we are doing. Too fun to take that reality check. 

If you are new to our podcast as of #PM15 please take a listen in whatever order you please. First season is chronological, but as conversation of the records and films speaks to listening and watching in whatever order you please we have designed each episode to be part of a larger whole that can be heard unto itself.

Cheers to all following and participating in this crazy business. We are having fun. If looking for us tonight we will probably be mixing some radio somewhere in the ether. Feel free to steal attention. 

Keep Moving Forward

There is a lot of work on the horizon as we round the corner of summer into August. Not only is The White Whale's first season wrapping up in a couple weeks, but we're honored to be contributing to a few other productions for which we are long-time fans.  

After the season ends we'll have a slight break. An album collecting original music from the first season is being whittled down. Something we're excited to release, but there is a lot to go through.

We'll also have some one-off productions covering the work of people we love. That's a secret we will hold for now though.  

Second season is already under-way as well, though it's subject is still ours to tell. While its approach and aesthetic will be much in line with the first season, this is also going to be a very different experience and very different story. Much more dealing with a particular perspective of the last half century and how it changed the world. Pretty rich and cool stuff. Not a story we imagine you have heard.

What else? What else? 

Surely there is more, but the audio world seems enough to highlight for the moment. We just released the newest music video from Scott Wooldridge, something many years in the making, and have a few other tricks up our sleeve in that end. There may be some fiction we wish to visualize as all this audio work is really presenting new worlds and wouldn't mind finally releasing some new photography from the last few years. See if we find the time. 

Funayūrei Cover Art

We released the cover art for John's third act tonight. Album is set for release Tuesday and as per the other releases we have films lined up. Next few weeks should be exciting as we send all this material out in the world. 

This has been a long road and it's not over yet. The podcast has lots more material to cover - we just introduced this album, but we're going to travel back a bit so we're nowhere near the end. There are the upcoming films too.

And...John has talked of a special edition Trilogy release that would feature additional material not on the separate records.

We'll see what happens, but while this is an end in some regards, it's also just a beginning.



The Yokai Trilogy on the podcast!

It's been a few weeks since we have written. We've been busy getting new content out in the world and it's limited the time to write a proper update. 

The White Whale season 1 is in full swing as of yesterday with the first episode introducing John Barner properly and the ideas that have built his trilogy. Brimming with tales of ghosts and mechanical malfeasance - this should be a pretty great ride.

You'll recognize music from the catalog and certain approaches to sound unique to the games we play. The storytelling will keep evolving as the conversation evolves and grows richer so stay tuned for some impressive arrangements.

Any of the original material we bring into the mix will also get a certain mixtape remix - as we've done in the past, though this obviously being the first with music original introduced in a podcast. So, what you hear will come back around again. New shapes and forms to embrace the ideas we come upon through this journey.

We're always looking for a way to give you new work and new perspectives.

Release of the final album, Funayūrei,is also fast approaching. Album is ready,  though release date has yet to be set. We are working tirelessly to finish up the films first so you will have the full experience from get go.

Other adventures are in the mix, but for now listen to The White Whale.

The White Whale is an audio production of CyNar Pictures and its record label American Residue Records. Built upon the ideas of Residual, the blog of CyNar, each episode is an extension of the blog offering visions behind the curtain of art collaboratives in video and audio. CyNar Pictures is a multimedia lab experimenting with image and sound. It's owned and operated by Garrett D. Tiedemann.

Weekly Recap - Minnesota Public Radio

This week was really busy in the land of Minnesota Public Radio with new interviews coming out every day. Monday brought about an interview with the great Daniel Hart whose work was covered last year in a piece about under-recognized scores of 2013. His upcoming work, both for the film and the record, is fantastic and he offers great insight into how he does what he does.

On Tuesday we put out an interview with Christopher Lennertz whose work you have almost certainly heard. As discussed in the piece, he has worked with an incredible amount of gold standard composers and it offers great insight into how his stylings are becoming entwined with modern-day comedy.

Wednesday was a surprise with a really quick interview of Mark Henry Phillips from Serial fame. His work is a huge part of why that podcast series has become so popular. With insanely fast production on every episode, he didn't have time to try and make things 'perfect' and that restriction adds to a sensibility that greatly benefited the show's reception.

Lastly, something different. Our friend Silas Hite was in town last year and we were able to get him to sit down for a terrific interview that became the newest episode of Top Score; Emily Reese's terrific podcast that is working really hard to broaden how we think about video games and music. Please take a listen and share it around.

Next week we should finally have three new films for the John Barner album (sssh, don't tell him. we have as yet to let him know) and Hanan is kicking into high gear with shooting of the music video taking place shortly.

Stay tuned. Keep a look out over at Minnesota Public Radio and Happy New Year to everyone! It's so far gotten off to a great start at CyNar. 


KliKt Reconsidering

...a more challenging and forward-looking example of current cinema...a strong and distinctive work...
— Festival Programmer

It's been a few years since the experiment KliKt was completed. After a long journey through a couple iterations it came out and disappeared online just as quickly. Always past and future place rather than present, it's yet to really find it's audience.

Originally shot as a short silent film, it lived that way for a long time. After Trickery Mimicry was made and had it's run through festivals there was a question of what next. 

It's unclear how the original footage of KliKt came to be re-watched, but at some point it happened. And with the clarity of Trickery Mimicry pushing it along, a new film was born from the ashes of the past. Something with more depth, richness of detail, and clarity of consideration.

Watching Camden Toy is revelatory. A one of a kind actor whose provided two uniquely brilliant characters for CyNar. It's difficult not to watch him; consider the thoughts he so wears on his sleeve without words or common tools of communication. It was impossible to not provide KliKt another opportunity. Impossible not to dive deeper down the rabbit-hole of a story so evasive and overwhelming.

It's a silent film by motivation, but not execution. With John R. Barner's brilliant score as the backbone and additional characters - as well as inanimate objects given focus as characters - providing surrounding motivations, KliKt became a portal to another universe. A vision of reality not so distant from our own, but just far enough to be unclear. 

I wish I knew, in one way, what to say, because part of the work’s strength it seems to me is a certain resistance to interpretation. I mean, sure, it’s lucid, and its narrative can be extracted, but more even than many - most? - movies, you seem to be trafficking in a certain spot where there’s no other way to say it. Like Lynch, or (one of my favorite films) Polanski circa Repulsion: it’s not so much ‘dream-like’ as a kind of pure land (mind?) scape.
— Matthew Specktor


At the time of release there were those who followed what it was attempting to accomplish. People like Lily Emeralde and Emma Dyllan from Phosphorescence Magazine and Matthew Specktor who wrote wonderful thoughts and considerations that presented KliKt as something to be discovered.

There were also many supporters like Kathy McTavish who responded to the film with their own creative works as review of the experience. Offering reconsiderations entwined with the original considerations themselves.

For a time there was a place where all this material was located, but it's not really available anymore. And it should be. The film itself and the energy it instigated should be presented some way for people to find. So, we're collecting these things here. Maybe it will incite a revisiting. Maybe the life KliKt has yet to have can be found. The next couple posts will be responses to the film as written by others either involved in the creative act, like John Barner, or those who were on the front lines witnessing the development. 

It's a chronicle of sorts. Value judgments of something before it reached any sort of conclusion. But, before you understand where all that is coming from, you should really just watch the movie.

Location Scouting

The music video for Hanan is moving forward quickly. Script is almost finished, props have been bought, and now locations are being found. 

This is always the best stage of production. All the ideas on the table, everyone's excited, and nothing has been extinguished.

Soon enough we'll start shooting and reality intervenes. It's the place where truth often derails ideals. All the amazing dreams come crashing down on time of day, length of shoot, and whether or not someone remembers the camera.

It's where the film takes shape and everything you inevitably capture is what was supposed to be. The difficultly capturing something worth capturing - a moment in time that talks to you; makes you feel lucky for all the work that brought about singular beauty.

Hanan - No Face (and those records/films by John and Garrett)

So, what's next on the CyNar docket? 

We are still working on what's becoming an impressive art collaborative between Garrett and John with John's in development trilogy of albums (first with Aokigahara, second with Hikikomori) . So far each album has inspired a film/music video for each track. We were lucky enough to release each visual with the song of the day release for Aokigahara, but Hikikomori has been a bit tougher. The songs have evolved and and by default the visuals must. Two films are available now, but the other three are in production and should be available soon.

We'll use this developing blog scenario to let you know first hand.

In addition to this though we've recently made some new friends at Inspirus Records and are happy to announce a union! The band Hanan and Inspirus are teaming up with CyNar to produce a music video for their song No Face off their terrific new album Sonder! This is really exciting and the idea being developed is top notch. A bit weird, a bit beautiful; totally the playground where CyNar digs.

Along with the new album we'll be covering some more documentary style filming of them in studio to help provide a glimpse of their workplace. To what end we are not yet sure, but something will arise.

We are really excited about this developing collaboration and look forward to sharing the results as soon as they are available. Until then, cheers!