Samples from Anodyne - "Building a community..."
"Blank slate" redirects here.
For other uses, (disambiguation).
Part of a series
Tabula rasa (/ˈtæbjələ ˈrɑːsə, -zə, ˈreɪ-/)
In Locke's philosophy, tabula rasa was the theory that at birth the (human) mind is a "blank slate" without rules for processing data, and that data is added and rules for processing are formed solely by one's sensory experiences.
Tape Extracts:
Julie Shapiro: It's funny how it was like a part of my life then, but really was like a foundation for everything that's come since. Building of a community of readers, by involving people as participants, was part of the plan a little bit.
Angeline Gragásin: I'm happy to support Julie and her work in any way I can.
Tania Ketenjian: Whatever Julie is involved with, immediately my ears perk up.
Allyson McCabe: I know that she has a sort of zine name, which was Julie Atomic, and I was always sort of curious where it came from.
Whitney Henry-Lester: Pretty much anything that Julie does I am happy to participate in.
Simon Roche: Someone said, I know this girl you should send her one of those. And, I did and then she was like Oh, my god, I love the printed word.
Garrett Tiedemann: Samples from Anodyne.