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The Fox sisters were three sisters from New York who played an important role in the creation of Spiritualism: Leah (1814–1890), Margaretta (also called Maggie) (1833–1893) and Catherine (also called Kate ) Fox (1837–1892).[1] The two younger sisters used "rappings" to convince their older sister and others that they were communicating with spirits. Their older sister then took charge of them and managed their careers for some time. They all enjoyed success as mediums for many years.

This description was taken from Wikipedia. For more information visit the page.

This series is written by Henry Cooke and produced by Garrett D. Tiedemann.

Original music and sound design by Garrett D. Tiedemann.

Tape Extracts:

And people have been communing with voices from other planes of existence with some regularity.


Accounts of contact with strange creatures, or spirits, weren’t that uncommon. The spiritualist movement, kickstarted by the accounts of the Sisters Fox, had been running for about 45 years now and people…